Tony Forsyth is a Federal Government certified valuer for Mineral specimens, gold specimens, gem crystals and meteorites

Tony can provide estate valuations, valuations of private collections, donations to museums under the Cultural Gifts Program and one-off evaluations of single specimens. Please get in touch and we will pass your details on to Tony if you want a valuation.


On 13 November 2015, Mr Anthony B Forsyth, in accordance with section 30-210 of the income Tax Assessment Act 1997, was approved to undertake valuations for the Program in the following class(es) of property:
Mineral specimens, gold specimens, gem crystals and meteorites.

Approved to value for the Australian Governments’ Cultural Gifts Program
Mineral specimens, gold specimens, gem crystals and meteorites.

Please note: We DO NOT value cut and facetted gems. 

We purchase mineral, lapidary and crystal collections. Often families of collectors are at a loss of how to dispose of mineral and crystal collections that in many cases have been put together over a lifetime. We can offer advice on how best to dispose of collections, and in many cases we purchase collections.

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